Extend someone's creation

Welcome to Artcascade,

the platform for live collaborative creation!

We unite creators with their fans to make something outstanding!

How this works

You post a record with all sources helping to extend it.

Someone views your record, and, if they like it, they can make a sequel or remake.

Now you have a continuation of your story, and you can extend it further as well!

Together, you create something that lives on it own, in the minds of you and your fans!

Prices and your income

Posting your record, you define the price of extending it.
The ultimate price for your fans is set to your price plus the half of it (this is the platform's margin). Your fans can inherit from as many records as they wish. The total cost will be the sum of the records' costs.

If someone extends your own extension of someone's record, you share your price with the ancestors until the generation that gets 0.01 $, dividing the amount for each generation by two. If the fan inherits from multiple authors, the consequent revenue is shared evenly between all authors of that generation.

To get started adding and extending records, sign up.


How I Did Not Create a Blog

Make your new song out of it!





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